EAGE Hydrocarbon Seal Workshop

23 May, 2024

In May 2024, at the EAGE Hydrocarbon Seal workshop held in Al Khobar, Professor Fran Van Buchem, Professor Thomas Finkbeiner, PhD candidates Nicolas Boehm and MSc Student Mohammed Aldossary, unveiled their latest research on the HITH BH-02 well. The well, which was drilled to a depth of approximately 400 meters, provided a continuous core that spans the entire Hith section as well as the Arab A-B-C sub-members. 

During the workshop, they presented a 21-meter segment of this core, offering attendees a hands-on examination of the material. The presentation included detailed insights into the geochemical, petrophysical, and rock mechanical properties of the formations, with a particular emphasis on their implications for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applications.

The workshop was a notable success, effectively communicating that the Hith and Arab formation evaporites, while highly heterogeneous, form cyclical depositional packages that can be spatially and temporally predicted within the broader basin context.