Rock Strength Prediction for CCS of Hith and Arab Evaporite Seals Based on Wireline Log Signature

by N. Boehm, T. Finkbeiner, F. Van Buchem, M.S Hernandez, J.A Marquez
Year: 2023

Extra Information

Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics (Vol. 2023, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers


Rock strength can be measured on core in the lab using the so-called scratch test. However, extracting the core is expensive and the lab experiments are time-consuming. Thus, it is desirable to predict rock strength using other techniques, such as using wireline logs. This paper shows how wireline logs can be used to predict the rock strength of the Upper Jurassic Hith anhydrites (prolific regional seal) from Saudi Arabia.